Katie, The get up mama
Imagine this: 9 people scrunched in a van traveling across the United States. 9 people! Crazy as it was, this is how my absolute love for travel came about. My family was anything but normal (I mean that in the best way, Mom and Dad). I remember singing loudly to mixtapes and stopping at all the cool places along Highway 55. Travel has always been a dear friend of mine and gave me the gift of the most fond memories as a child. Those crazy and whirlwind experiences led me to the global drifter I am today.
The Get Up Mama, formerly The Wonderlist, was created for people who, like me, love to explore. The content of this site was made with love and gives an insight into all the great food, places, and people I have met along the way.
Wonder around and enjoy!
Howl at the Moon,
Katie Novack

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