World of Color: Salvation Mountain!

There's nothing better than a road trip with your friends after a long week, especially if you all love lip syncing to old school 90s pop songs (God Bless Britney!) We decided to leave the Fab City of Los Angeles and head to Slab City, a town near the Salton Sea, about an hour southeast of Palm Springs. Slab City has been on the Wonder List for a long time, especially since it contains the most colorful, magical hill in the United States, Salvation Mountain. I channeled my inner "Lolita" for this shoot to pay tribute to the most colorful individual who created this technicolor mountain, Leonard Knight.

Salvation Mountain is a creative masterpiece where the apocalypse meets utopia. In the late 60's and early 70's, this destination was a booming area near the Salton Sea, some even say it rivaled the desert oasis, Palm Springs. A man by the name of Leonard Knight came to this area in Imperial County, California and hand crafted this artsy hill with his own two hands. It contains numerous Bible verses and Christian paintings to which Leonard was completely devoted. This area, known as the "Badlands" of California is where people go to get off the grid. There is no electricity, running water, and the local residents rely on solar power to give them energy. In short, it is the coolest hippy commune I have ever come across. Leonard's dream for Salvation Mountain was to bring visitors and economical growth back into the Salton Sea. Sadly, Leonard died in 2014 but his memory will forever remain.
